Segmentation with Rule-Based Classification in Mobile Gaming

M. Akif Bıyıklı
3 min readJun 4, 2021

An Insight into Customer Segmentation


I would like to talk about the Potential Customer Income Calculation with Rule-Based Classification project that we completed in the Data Science and Machine Learning course[1]. In this course, we analyzed the data about mobile gaming. I will summarize the analysis processes and talk about the results that we obtained.

First of all, we have five variables. These are Price, Source, Sex, Country, and Age. Price variable takes various values from 9 to 59. Source variable has two different values which are iOS and Android platforms. Sex variable has two different which are male and female. Country variable has six countries from Brazil to the USA. Lastly, Age variable takes various values from 15 to 66.

The first step was the descriptive analysis of the dataset. We found out the frequency of unique values and the mean, sum, etc… In addition, we grouped the data according to demographic data and platforms. In the last step, we created a new dataframe according to the aggregation processes. In Table 1, we changed Age variable into categorical and labeled it into 5.

Table 1

Furthermore, we needed to merge all other columns besides Price. In Table 2, we sorted values according to Price by descending.

Table 2

The last process is segmenting customers according to quantiles with their average Price. We divided customers into four segments. As you can see from Table 3, we have mean, max, min and, sum values of Price according to the segments.

Table 3

We completed the analysis processes. We have our numerical values but we don’t have any insight into them. For segment D, we can call this customer segment Minnows[2]. If you want to catch lots of Minnows[3] you have to have large nets. You should have your ads running through multiple platforms and these customers will circulate the game ecosystem.

For segment C, we can call them Dolphins[3]. Dolphins[4] are fast and hard to catch. However, if you can catch them you will gain lots of money. Their mean and sum of Price are greater than 2 times of Minnows. To keep them, you can make regular events in the game.

For Segment B and A, we can call them Whales[5] and Blue Whales[6]. They are easy to catch but hard to find. First of all, you have to have big and large ships to keep them constant. Once they are satisfied, you have to keep them satisfied. To sustain this satisfaction, they need to feel special, such as offering them a premium and exclusive items.


[1 ]:

[2 ]…[6]:

